Friday, May 28, 2010


Long time no posts! Sorry about that! Brittany and her husband went on a big airplane and then a big boat together so we spent all kinds of time with Dad! We had so much fun going to the zoo and the park with him! But today Brittany is back so it's back to life as usual for us.

Some days when we're really good, Brittany let's us take our afternoon snack outside and eat it while we watch for the school bus to come. We LOVE all things school bus these days and we'll definitely miss seeing it in a few short weeks when school is out.

Keeping a close eye out for the bus!

Aidan likes to blow kisses to the kids and the bus (and sometimes even the mail man!)

Patrick doesn't like to be bothered when he's eating!
Won't be long and we'll get to go on the school bus, too!!

Love, Aidan and Patrick


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